Top-level meeting
When in 2021 I appeared at the foundation as an employee, I was informed that there were plans to start helping children from orphanages again. I liked the idea right away. Initially, we wanted to help by collecting funds on our website Zostań Aniołem. But in my head and heart an idea began to emerge that the help for children from orphanages would take a slightly different form. I started by collecting information on the situation of foster care pupils becoming independent. Available materials as well as previous experience of the foundation, which for many years visited children in orphanages, confirmed that the situation of these young people after leaving foster care is very difficult. Left without family support, they face a number of problems. Help at this stage is crucial to protect these young people from homelessness, falling into addictions, returning to a dysfunctional environment and many other risks.
In 2022, we took some concrete steps to implement this project. A few successes, a few failures… We shot a short video promoting the project, together with friends from Ukraine who are implementing a project for orphans in Ukraine – Lighthouse, we organized a training for volunteers. We could take advantage of their knowledge and experience. We submitted several applications for co-financing from the City Hall, and organized a meeting for children from an orphanage interested in participating in the Project. A lot considering that last year war broke out in Ukraine and most of our attention and time was focused on helping refugees from Ukraine.
“The door is open for us..”
I am convinced that this year is the time to intensively resume activities. I have submitted another grant application. I hope we get the funds this time. We are planning the next steps – recruitment, promotion, interviews in orphanages, churches. Hence my today’s meeting with Aneta, who has been supporting me and this project from the very beginning, helping with organization, advising, and expressing her will to be a mentor for the future participant. I am excited, happy and curious about what God will do.